Monday 28 June 2010


The sun beats down more heavily
on this little morning patch.
Its weight slamming onto the concrete
like a cartoon anvil.
Everything it touches
immediately molton-
The floor, a cushion, my foot.

I watch my foot melt over the step,
gloopy, fleshy, messy.
Splodging down onto the step below.
The heat causing the air above to shimmer giddily.

I imagine the foot in a frying pan, 
sizzling brightly, exuberantly.
Turning golden brown,
a diathermy smell filling the air.

I see the foot shrivel in the drying rays,
withering to a third of its usual size.
It resembles a relic of ancient Egypt, 
curled at the edges, bereft of moisture, crinkled, brittle.

I shut my eyes to the sun's leering stare.
When I open them, 
my foot is a foot is a foot.

Friday 25 June 2010


I want to wrap you up
In a cocoon.
To envelop you,
To protect you,
From the world's ambushes.
My arms a shield
My love a bullet-proof suit.
I want to be your lifebelt -
I will pull you back to shore,
If you will let me.


Let's settle this

Like cats.

Let's settle this

With claws and teeth

And fur flying

-I'd like to take a chunk out of you right now

And I'm sure you feel the same.

I'll arch my back

Stretch it right out

Goosebumps attending every hair

Adrenaline fuelling my fight-or-flight.

And we'll circle each other

Ready, so ready

To pounce.

Have no doubt:

I'll fight,

and I'll win.

Monday 21 June 2010


I feel what is in your heart so keenly
This dark day, this sad day.
And if I could lighten
the heaviness of your heart I would.
I don't claim to understand the pain you must be feeling;
But know that although
things seem empty now
You will come to realise that lightness and joy
were only hiding in the shadows.

Sunday 13 June 2010


You're gone again,
And my head is filled with you again.
I have plenty to do
But daydream instead
Of you, again.

Come back soon.
I've had enough of missing you.
Somehow, your absence
Is more of a distraction
Than your wonderful presence.

Saturday 5 June 2010


7 times.
You don't answer
7 times.

That's 7 times more than I'd like.

It makes me
7 times as mad
As I was before.

And makes me
Think I love you
7 times more
Than you love me.

Number 8 is trouble.

Number 8 is borderline hysteria.

But you don't know that,
Because you didn't answer
The first 7 times.

Thursday 3 June 2010


Questions I would ask you
What do you do.
Why do you do it.
What do you think about in times of nothingness.
Who do you vote for.
How do you eat your food.
How many times have you existed only in a moment?
Can you stand short socks.
Are you ticklish.
What do you think of earlobes.
How do you hear your voice.
What colour are my eyes.
Can you do a crossword.
Is life what you imagined it should be?
What colour will you paint your walls.
Do you like to dance.
What do you think of the sea.
Do you like your family.
Do you like fairground rides.
Why do you play guitar.
Can you fall in love with a song.
Can you lift me.
What's the first thing you notice about a person?
Do you like camping.
Do you like pens.
Can I joke with you.
Tell me everything.