Wednesday 24 March 2010


Talk about a voyage of discovery.

I'm making a map of you, little flags marking points of interest

and warning of potential hazards.

Tiny rivulets of understanding

wend their way to greater knowings of you.

You are a complex being;

but aren't we all?

The difference is, you are the most fascinating concoction

of personality, ethics, values and behaviours,

and pure alchemy draws me to you.

Sometimes, you confound me

in ways both bad and good.

My map is not yet complete.

I take guesses,

Make assumptions, coloured sometimes green,

and fill in the gaps in the topography.

These are my mistakes,

but ones I would excuse you too.

We are, after all, only human.

I am the Magellan of you:

I explore you with the wonder of new worlds.

I've found that the heart is just an organ..

But that love resides in lips and legs and fingertips. 

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