Tuesday 24 May 2011


One suit of armour of a quite unique design.
This all-in-one is impregnated with a strong repellent
For those that want to be close to you.
It is impenetrable to all except the most skilled, patient and persistent.
Composed of what appears to be a thick skin,
The outer shell is in fact quite thin.
Nevertheless, this armour will keep people at arm's length.

Safety note: This suit may leave you at increased risk of difficulties connecting with others.

£ Costing you only the joy of a truly open and genuine human relationship! £

Order yours today, don't delay..

Monday 9 May 2011


Fill my ears
and scrub out my eyes
blunt my thoughts 
with those not mine

Fence off my mind
and bury my soul
cook up my heart 
and consume it whole

Build up a wall
of the greatest defences
and leave those untried
of the greatest offences

Swallow disappointment
and prepare for regret
armageddon is coming
and I'm going to get wet.


It looks like life as I know it is over.
Which must mean I won't know anything anymore.
A single element
But central so,
that while all the other plates may well keep spinning;
the trick is devoid of wonder.
-A spectacle perhaps,
but most probably not a good one.

Following the law of diminishing returns, I have invested everything
And yet seemingly yield no reward: I leave with nothing.

How very fucking funny, universe.